Hi, Thank you for visiting my blog. I want start by letting you get to know me and my situation. I am a 31 year old mommy of 4 and Wife to my loving husband. We started young. I became pregnant with my oldest child when I was 17 and delivered him by emergency c-section when I was 18. He wasn't moving as much as or or the OB liked and I was brought in for monitoring. After failing a non stress test he was delivered by c-section. Turned out he had 2 knots in his cord and the cord was around his neck. That c-section most likely saved his life. However I didn't want a c-section with my next son at just 18 months later I delivered my second child a baby boy, by repeat c-section after failed VBAC. I was allowed to attempt VBAC as long as I didn't get an epidural. My water broke on my due date and when I arrived ant the hospital I was immediately given Pitocin. After 12 hours of natural labor I was not even a fingertip dilated. I was told I had to get the c-section for FTP. My next 2 pregnancies with my daughters were repeat c-sections. so that is pretty much my birth history. If we are lucky enough to conceive I would want to deliver VBA4C.
I also had some experience with third-party reproduction. After my last birth in 2006 I got my tubes tied. It was one of the worst mistakes of my life. I would say top 3. So I think as a way of compensating for the fact that I was sterile, I began to get involved in 3rd party reproduction. Meaning the world of helping infertile couples conceive. I began my journey as an egg donor. I was able to travel all over the country and was compensated nicely in exchange for my high quality eggs. I also attempted to be come pregnant as a gestational surrogate. The IVF attempts we did were not successful. But the experience was priceless. I think my involvement with helping women become mothers helped me appreciate my own fertility and make me regret my sterilization even more.
I want to have another baby sooooo bad... okay let me slow down . I realllly want to get my tubes untied. I think I have PTLS post tubal ligation syndrome. I have a lot of the symptoms and anxiety is one of the worst, I an really looking forward to the new feeling that women say they get after Tubal reversal. I plan to go to Mexico to have it done. Rio Bravo Reversals have awesome success rates at a fraction of the cost. We will have the money to go in either August or October.
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